Friday, September 28, 2012

Book of the Day: Rumpelstiltskin

Paul O. Zelinsky
Houghton Mifflin Company (1989)

What a strange story--so chilling and horrific anyway you look at it.   I mean, the Queen ends up happily married to the King, but only because she could spin hay into gold--sounds like a great start to an intimate relationship.  

 But I do love these old Grimm tales translated and modernized.  I like reading something that was told years and years ago, but now with vivid pictures.     Plus, it's fun to do a funny voice for good ol' Rumple.  It makes Mirette laugh.

Paul O. Zelinsky lives in Brooklyn with his family.  He attended Yale and was inspired by a class he took taught by Maurice Sendak.   He also wrote Rapunzel and The Wheels of the Bus both of which are very acclaimed.  

By the way,  I'm back in business--or at least I think I am!